Friday, May 21, 2010

Home a month

I can not believe that we have been home for a month now and I could not be happier. Emma is doing great and most of the time she is laughing and smiling. Our bond grows stronger and stronger daily and since Darrel returned back to work this past week it has even grown more. She will wrap her little arms around my legs some times when I am in the kitchen. It is one of the sweetest things ever. Food still seems to be an issue with her. Most of the time she acts like she is starved. Just the other day we were in the store and I told her we were going home to eat and she started to jump up and down and yell YA! YA! YA! and ran over and kissed me. I was thinking the people around me probably think I starve her. All day long she wants to eat. As I sit here typing and just in the last hour she has had a cheese stick, yogurt, bell peppers, Popsicle, peperoni, banana. Is this normal I ask myself? My two boys have never eaten like this or threw themselves a party because we were going to eat.

The joy Emma brings me is indescribable and she has all ready taught me so much, not only about myself but about life. One thing is I have learned that we take little things in life for granet. Having my two boys from birth they have always been surrounded by things so I never paid much attention to the little things, like Emma petting her first horse, having her first play date, first birthday party, swimming for the first time, trying a fudgesicle, and going into Toys R Us. These little things do not seem like much to us who have always had it around them but to a 3 year old who has never had anything it is a huge deal and cherished memories to me as I relish in every little thing she experiences.

Just recently we went on our first road trip to GA. and I was a little worried how she would do knowing that there would be a house full and people in and out as it was a High School graduation party. Emma once again surprised us and let me just say she is awesome. She was a trooper with all the excitement and people in and out of the house. I even think she had a small crush on the High School boys. I told Darrel we are going to ground her, once she understands what it means. Darrel says he will just keep his shot gun near by.

Our ER visit at UNC was a very sad day for me as she had to go through a battle of test, and lots of tears and I was not sure I was not going to start crying with her. It is so hard to reassure her when she does not understand, and of course the hospital is a scary place to a 3 1/2 year old, it looks like something out of a Freddy movie with the lady who says she loves me but is helping the 3 other ladies hold me down so they can stick a needle in my arm, not just once but twice. I wanted to stop holding her down and slap me a nurse but once it was all said and done I was relieved when she wanted me to hold her and asked me if we were all done because she wanted to go home. These sad words put a smile on my heart because I knew that she felt safe at home and she wanted to go home with me (the lady who gives her food). LOL

Well I know this is a lot to post but it has been a month since I posted last and I know there are many who wonder just how we are doing. So in a short version we are doing GREAT. I will post more later as Emma will be meeting Darrel's mom and Dad for the first time in about 30 minutes so I am sure I will have some sort of story to share.


  1. I love reading and seeing the pics, Emma looks so happy!!! Looking forward to my summer visit!! Mackenzie is sooooo excited to meet her and is so happy that she saw she is using her leopard chair!! Love you!! Mo

  2. Sure looking forward to finally meeting your little darling!
    And for the record, I know how you feel about doctor visits!
