Thursday, April 29, 2010

No longer a dull moment in the White house

Painted nails

Ring Ring Hello
"Pretty" She says
Her first package from Aunt Patty
filled with new clothes

I can not believe that we have been home almost a week. Emma is doing great, she is such a sweet girl and fills the house with loud laughter. Many have asked me how things are going so I thought I would give you a little glimpse into our day.
The day start about 6:30 and all though this was the time I was use to getting up it is a little bit different I no longer am going down stairs to start the coffee pot or sit on the couch and catch up on some of my Tivo before the boys wake, no I am taking my little girl down stairs to try to figure out what she might like to eat today. Breakfast is the hardest meal of the day for us just because we try so many different things hoping we might find the right one. Emma still loves eggs but the girl can not eat 3 eggs every morning or we might have other issues on our hands that require Zocor. Once breakfast is finished we are then looking at pictures in a book or coloring at her table, she may ask a few times about Marshall and Dillon, and they have learned that if they do not get up on their own Emma will be very happy to assist in waking them. We then get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair (still working on the whole hair thing) and putting our shoes on. Emma can not walk around the house with out shoes of some sort on her feet. By 10 she is looking in the pantry for something to eat or taking me by the hand over to the fridge to help her look for something to eat. After lunch it is nap time and she usually takes about 15 min before she falls asleep but it is no problem as long as you do not leave the room while she is falling asleep. Emma will sleep for about 2 hours and in those two hours you might think awe finally I can relax. No this is when I am thinking to myself oh I have not eaten yet, grab something to eat with one hand the broom in the other make a quick sweep. Pick up the mess we made earlier with the markers and such, oh her room needs to be organized since I removed about 30 plus outfits and strung them all over the bed. Darn I still have not gotten a toy box so I pile them in a corner and think maybe later I will have time to look for one. Folding some cloths and reminding Marshall to take the trash out and Dillon to switch the washer and dryer. Oh Emma is up. Down stairs and guess what she wants to do? Eat! Get a snack so we can head outside to blow some bubbles or swing on the swing set, she loves the swing. Back in the house to color some more and play with her play kitchen, which only reminds Emma that she would like some more food. All though she is not sure what she likes to eat. Look at the clock and realize that I need to get busy on dinner. Keep reminding Emma that the stove is hot and I guard her from it since she has to be right under me while I cook. Bath time this is fun time until it is time to wash hair, all though it is getting a lot better. PJ's on and snuggled in bed next to mommy and daddy's we proceed to read a book and point out all the colors, she enjoys this time very much. 8:15 Emma is fast asleep and since she wants me to sit in my bed next to her while she falls asleep I must confess I really do not want to get out of my bed once she is fast asleep. But with all that said, even though I am so tired by the end of the day and wondering how I am going to home school the boys once we get back into routine I would not trade a precious moment with my sweet girl. I sit here listing to her breath and thank God for bringing her home and for choosing us to be her parents and when she calls out Mama and gives me a kiss on the lips, all the tired, and getting used to a toddler again is so worth it.


  1. Ah yes, the dread of hair washing... It was a long road for us too!
    So glad that you are settling into a busy routine for daily life. And I'm laughing along with you about figuring out what food she likes ~ we have that in our house too!

  2. so awesome to read this! ann and emily are back on the mainland. i get back in a couple days. maybe next weekend we can come out and pay you guys a visit?

  3. Emily would eat eggs everyday too...I think she is fine with it until she figures out what other things she likes to eat.
    I am impressed with the shoes - we are going through the 'no shoes, no hair barrettes, no hat, no sunglasses" phase. I think if Emily could figure out how to take off her clothes we would be 'no clothes' too.
    Emily is walking quite a bit and while in Hawaii she was watching all of the Japanese kids so closely. She just loved watching them swim and play and talk...I think she will be so to meet Emma and see another big kid that looks a little like her!
    Your day sounds like our house....Emily is even busy in her sleep - I swear she is doing a triathlon in her sleep (which was not cool while sharing a bed in Hawaii or trying to hold her on the flights while she slept).
    Wouldn't trade it for a minute - I am having a lot of fun watching nurture vs. nature right now...we have a talker, with a strong opinion who loves to swim and be in charge....we are so in trouble! LOL
    Hope to see you soon!
    AnnMarie, Steve and Emily
