Saturday, April 17, 2010

Leaving Nanchang

We went to dinner last night and Emma and I went to the restroom, and on our way out a lady stopped me to ask if Emma was my daughter (at least that is what I am guessing) I said yes and she asked if she was 5. I said no she is 3, and the lady then went into drama, if you can imagine, "oh my goodness she is so big and only 3." She had to grab two ladies out in the hall and tell them that my daughter was enormous and that she was not 5 she was 3. I came out to our table and told Helen our guide that I was going to start telling the people that she was 5. I may not be able to understand everything they are saying but my daughter can. We then left and went to the water fountain show and it was very pretty but cold. A group of girls who keep looking at Marshall were giggling and I told Darrel they were sweet on him. At that moment two girls ran over and asked if they could take a picture with us. They took about 6 or 7 LOL. They asked Marshall what his name was and he told them, they were like that is a good name.LOL I am sure he liked that. We then came home and put Emma down and that took about an hour because Emma did not want me to lay next to her and she would keep pointing to the other bed. I just keep reassuring her that it was okay but I was not leaving. Today has been a great day so far, as we pack up our room, I could tell that she was not sure what was going on but I told her that we were all going together. I put lotion on my legs and she rubbed it in for me, this was great since she has never wanted any skin contact. We are sitting here together in the room by ourselves and she is okay. She asked for Marshall one time and I said he would be back and she walked away from the door and came back over by me with no tears. Maybe that break through I have been needing is finally here. I really think when I gave that little girl yesterday some of her candy was the real break through. OH, guess what I just looked at the weather report for Guangzhou and it is supposed to rain the whole time we are there. Please pray for some good weather, I have wore the only pair of pants I brought two days in a row now and I am boarding the plane in shorts and T-Shirt.


  1. Great to hear her coming around - I'm sure she'll have some 'moments' - but it's all a part of growing! You'll have a great time in GZ I'm sure!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. I wore the same pair of pants the entire trip! I hated them by the time we got home but I still have them! I did a lot of hand washing - bought a hanger to dry clothes in Guangzhou as the hotel did not have a clothes line like Gloria Grand.
    You are getting there Renee - just keep up the baby steps. You are filling really big shoes for her and she is going to make you earn every inch. But in the end - the bond will be amazing!
    Emily says HI!!!

  3. Glad to read about the lotion. Sounds like a good step in the right direction!

  4. i was a tourist attraction myself more than once there. and yes, i liked it!
